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Every conversation with a chatbot consists of pairs of user and assistant turns, corresponding to an HTTP request and response. These turns are represented by the Turn object, which contains a list of Contents representing the individual messages within the turn. These might be text, images, tool requests (assistant only), or tool responses (user only).

Note that a call to $chat() and related functions may result in multiple user-assistant turn cycles. For example, if you have registered tools, elmer will automatically handle the tool calling loop, which may result in any number of additional cycles. Learn more about tool calling in vignette("tool-calling").


Turn(role, contents = list(), json = list(), tokens = c(0, 0))



Either "user", "assistant", or "system".


A list of Content objects.


The serialized JSON corresponding to the underlying data of the turns. Currently only provided for assistant.

This is useful if there's information returned by the provider that elmer doesn't otherwise expose.


A numeric vector of length 2 representing the number of input and output tokens (respectively) used in this turn. Currently only recorded for assistant turns.